Benefits of Membership

Membership provides a unique opportunity for an organization and its professionals to engage, and drive thought leadership in activities, forums, and industry groups. Tools & Hardware members address current challenges, build strategies for the future, and share best practices, with the overall objective of building a growth-led competitive, and sustainable industry. ... In addition, specific benefits are provided to our members. These include: ...

  • Insights on Industry Trends.
  • Opportunities to enhance visibility.
  • Opportunity to network, build and share best practices.
  • Industry Forums.
  • Global Trade Development.
  • Policy Advocacy.
  • Focus on Emerging companies.
  • Work for the development of the Domestic Market.
  • Education and Talent Development.
  • Partner with WMF for various activities.

Access to Exclusive Content: Provide members with access to premium content such as industry reports, research papers, case studies, and expert insights that are not available to non-members.
Member Directory: Create a member directory where individuals can showcase their expertise, skills, and professional background, making it easier for members to connect based on shared interests or expertise.
Discounts and Offers: Partner with industry suppliers, service providers, and event organizers to offer exclusive discounts, deals, or special offers on products, services, and event registrations for forum members.
Member Recognition: Recognize and highlight the contributions of active members by featuring them in newsletters, on social media platforms, or through dedicated member spotlights on the forum website.
Expert Q&A Sessions: Organize live Q&A sessions or AMAs (Ask Me Anything) with industry experts, thought leaders, and practitioners where members can interact directly with them, ask questions, and gain valuable insights.
Training and Development: Offer training programs, courses, or webinars on relevant topics within the industry to help members enhance their skills, stay updated on industry trends, and advance their careers.
Resource Library: Curate a resource library containing articles, e-books, videos, tutorials, and other educational materials related to the industry, providing members with a valuable knowledge repository.
Online Community Platform: Create a dedicated online community platform where members can engage in discussions, share ideas, ask questions, and seek advice from their peers in a collaborative and supportive environment.
Feedback and Input: Solicit feedback and input from members on forum activities, content, and features, and involve them in decision-making processes to ensure that the forum meets their needs and preferences.